
Research and experimentation
Constant attention to market trends, to the needs of public administrations and private entities (airport, motorway, municipal companies and businesses) gives us continuous stimuli to develop, test and validate new products and services for road maintenance.

Beton Asfalti has its own production plant located in Cis (TN) in Val di Non. Over the years, thanks to important technological and structural adaptations, it has been profoundly improved in terms of productivity and safety to meet the evolving demands of customers.

Quality controls
In addition to the periodic quality controls required by ISO 9001 and EC standards (bituminous mixes, aggregates, recyclates, emulsion), Beton Asfalti has implemented a system of additional procedures and controls to monitor in real time all production and paving phases of the mixes produced daily.

Paving mix
In order to improve the quality of the paving work, the fleet was completely renewed, purchasing new Vögele road pavers, Bomag and Hamm road rollers, Johnston sweepers, and new double-cab vans equipped with everything necessary for the paving teams. This allows Beton Asfalti to carry out job sites throughout Trentino-Alto Adige and the neighbouring provinces.