Quick-setting technical mortar for fixing manhole covers and gullies 

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MaltaRapid plus is a high-strength, quick-hardening thixotropic technical mortar fibred in black for fixing manhole covers and drains. MaltaRapid plus has a special formulation that guarantees workability for up to 15 minutes depending on ambient temperature. It is supplemented with polyethylene fibres that guarantee high mechanical strength and prevent cracking. MaltaRapid plus guarantees such plasticity that it can be laid without the use of a formwork even for thicknesses up to 15-20 cm. MaltaRapid plus has a high resistance to salt, frost and thaw. Once hardened, it resists acids, oils, petrol and sewage slurry. MaltaRapid plus is black in colour to match the colour of the asphalt. 

Main features

Highly Modified Conglomerate with SBS
Black to match the colour of the asphalt 

Resistant to salt, freeze and thaw

The quarterdeck is not needed

High strength class R4 

Workability 15 minutes

Open to traffic: 1h light traffic, 2h heavy traffic


Manholes and drains

Quick and ultra-durable repositioning. 


Renovation of walls without formwork. 

Signage and street furniture

Rapid execution of plinths and foundations. 


Repair, positioning and fixing. 




Specific products for road maintenance

Cold asphalt mixture structured with SBS solution

Hydro-reactive cold mix for permanent professional repairs

High-strength, rapid-setting, fiber-reinforced black technical mortar, used without formwork