Collection and recovery of bituminous sheaths

Bituminous membranes are sheets used to waterproof mainly the roofs of buildings and road infrastructure works (e.g. bridge decks and viaducts). Due to ageing, they are periodically removed for the reconstruction of the roof or deck and from this demolition process a “waste” based on bitumen, polymer, filler and stone aggregate is obtained classified with CER code 17 03 02 – “Different bituminous mixtures from those referred to in item 17 03 01”. Beton Asfalti has the necessary authorizations for the collection of the aforementioned sheaths and subjects them to treatment operations through shredding and selection. The sheath granulate thus obtained can be easily recycled into the bituminous conglomerate for road use, as it is made up of components that are perfectly compatible with the asphalt mixture.

Bituminous sheaths

Bituminous membranes must be accompanied by waste characterisation analysis, searching for asbestos and ecotoxicity analysis.

Codes: 08.04.10 | 16.03.06 | 17.03.02 | 17.06.04 | 19.12.12

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the sheath collection authorization