A path
towards quality
Beton Asfalti is a company with a long tradition in the production and trade of aggregates and bituminous conglomerates.
Founded in 1968 by Marco Inama, it operated mainly in Val di Non and Piana Rotaliana.
Our Story
Marco Inama founds the company.
The company took the name Beton Asfalti. With the entry of sons Alfredo, Paolo and Stefano Inama, the business expanded throughout Trentino-Alto Adige
the production site occupies an area of over 30,000 m²
Beton Asfalti faces an important phase of company growth, renewing its fleet for the first time and expanding its hot-mix asphalt preparation and paving teams.
Beton Asfalti expands into the road maintenance sector by developing a high-performance cold asphalt called KaltAsphalt plus.
the constant search for new areas of development, is realised on a national level in the field of road maintenance, with the introduction of the hot road sealing service, called SBS Sigil plus, for road cracks and fissures.
the company expands abroad by offering a complete range of road maintenance products.
Beton Asfalti invests in a state-of-the-art production plant, Ammann 180 UNIBATCH, to ensure higher production capacity and consistent quality.
To cope with the increase in demand, both nationally and internationally, the company expanded with a new plant in Mezzolombardo.
l’azienda acquisisce un impianto di riciclaggio di guaine bituminose, confermando una forte attenzione all’eco-sostenibilità ambientale.